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What is the healthiest time to eat yogurt?

2018-10-22 17:30:00

Yogurt is very nutritious, many small partners will eat it as a healthy snack. But some people say yogurt needs to be healthy in the morning. Others say yogurt needs to drink nutrition before going to bed at night to absorb better. How do you drink yogurt? Dietitian recommendation: according to their nutritional needs, choose different time to drink yogurt!
The nutritional value of yogurt, before explaining how to choose the time to drink yogurt, we need to know what kind of nutritional ingredients yogurt contains. Nutrition knowledge: In addition to protein and fat, the nutritional ingredients we are familiar with are calcium and lactobacillus. In addition, yogurt also contains a variety of organic acids, such as lactic acid, which can help regulate intestinal function, and other functional components such as antimicrobial peptides and extracellular polysaccharides, which can help improve resistance. In addition, it is worth mentioning that yogurt in the fermentation process will also increase the vitamin B content. The best time to drink yogurt is different:
1., calcium supplement and sleep help - drink before going to bed. Because we can't supplement calcium from food at night, serum calcium concentration will decrease. Drinking yogurt at this time can reduce the use of calcium in bones. At the same time, calcium can help us regulate nerve excitation and relax people's nerves at night to better enter the state of sleep.
2. supplement probiotics - drink on an empty stomach. People secrete very little acid on an empty stomach. At this time, the acidity in the stomach is not so high. The probiotics in yogurt are more likely to reach the intestine through the stomach. Especially in the morning, when the basic gastric acid secretion is the least in a day, the gastric acid secretion between meals is also relatively less than when eating. So eating yogurt between two meals, probiotics is also more likely to pass than eating. However, supplementing probiotics with yoghurt has some meaning, because the probiotics in yoghurt are required to reach the order of 10 to 8 when they leave the factory. However, in order to effectively supplement probiotics, the number should reach the order of 10 to 10, so it is better to supplement probiotics or take probiotic supplements.
3. increase muscle - drink after exercise. If you want to achieve muscle-building effect, you can drink after exercise, at this time the sugar in yogurt will stimulate insulin secretion, thereby promoting protein synthesis of muscle.
4. help digestion and promote absorption of nutrients. The sour taste of yogurt is because it contains a lot of lactic acid. Lactic acid can help increase the acidity of intestinal tract, promote the digestion of food, and also promote the absorption of calcium, iron, zinc and other nutrients.
5. drink half an hour before losing weight. Drinking yogurt half an hour before meals can reduce hunger, make sense when eating, and choose healthier foods without overeating, thus reducing calorie intake. At the same time, studies have found that drinking dairy products half an hour before meals can make postprandial blood sugar more stable and reduce fat accumulation.
Finally, there are a few more nagging words: if you suffer from gastric acid secretion, gastritis, gastric ulcer, yogurt will stimulate the stomach, do not drink yogurt on an empty stomach. In addition, yogurt is stored at low temperature. If you are afraid of cold, you can take yogurt out of the refrigerator in advance and put it at room temperature for a period of time before drinking. Moreover, simple and original yoghurt is recommended to drink. There are many flavor yoghurts with other ingredients on the market now, because the high sugar content will lead to a lot of decrease in nutritional value.